Community & Support

Discord (free)

Discord Server ‘Residents of Firraksnarre’ is now open for everyone interested in the constructed universe Firraksnarre and Tomohiro Nakano to receive latest news and communicate with Tomohiro and/or each other. It’s open to everyone with an email address, free of charge, so please feel free to take a look.

Access Residents of Firraksnarre now for free

Patreon (from $1 to $50/month)

On Tomohiro’s creator page on, Tomohiro offers various exclusive contents to patrons. Monthly membership starts from $1/month, all the way up to the premium $50/month plan, which gifts the patron with an exclusive calligraphy artwork.

Access Tomohiro Nakano’s from here

Benefits available on

  • Invitation to a patron-only channel on the Discord server (includes access to exclusive content)
  • Access to previously published contents such as films and paintings
  • Access to behind-the-scenes footage/images etc.
  • Shoutout at the end of YouTube videos and future movie pamphlets
  • Free access to paid posts (primarily in Japanese)
  • Thank-you video
  • Calligraphy artwork

Please contact Tomohiro through the Contact Form if you have any questions.