I have decided to create a short film based on Borges’ story ‘Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius’ during my stay at Harvard University. The recruitment of the casts and crews is in progress, and the production is about to start in about a week or two. The first draft of the script is finished.
The runtime will be fairly short: between 7 to 15 minutes. Just as in Between the Two Worlds, the independent Sci-Fi fantasy film I have been working on since October 2017, the soundtrack will be fully composed from scratch. The entire film will be shot in 4K. More news will follow.
Hi Tomohiro, my name is Pipo Wintter, a filmmaker from Argentina – and a life-long admirer of Borges. Tlon Uqbar is one of my favorite stories, I was lucky enough to meet Borges during my high-school years back in the 80s. I’m really curious about your project, and would love to know more about it. Best of luck with your production!